Professional photography tends to be put to the bottom of the budget list in any business – no matter the size. It’s seen as a nice to have rather than a necessity.

But did you know that we remember information in different ways. When we hear facts, we’re likely to remember only 10% of that information three days later. However, when a relevant image is paired with that same fact, we will retain 65% over the same timeframe.

If you want to make more impact with your business, you need photographs that really sell your point.

Of course, you can just take some pictures yourself – but here is why it’s worth using a professional photographer to really capture your business and help you appeal to more of your audience, stick in their memories and save you time and stress.

Photography equipment is an important part of the toolbox

I am a firm believer of it being the person behind the camera that makes the difference to the quality and the relevance of your pictures, and not the equipment. That said, your photographer will have invested in a variety of high-quality up-to-date kit that is perfect for any situation, location and lighting they may be shooting in.

They have invested in this, so you do not have to.

Photographers have the knowledge to make the most of your lighting

It’s not very often I turn up to a shoot and I think “wow, great light”. In fact, it has never happened. Your photographer will have the experience to get the best out of the light in any situation, even a room that’s pitch black. This happened to me recently. A client needed staged shots in a cinema room, and they tried to take a picture on their phone to put on their Yammer account. These didn’t work as it was too dark. My experience, equipment and lighting meant that I was able to produce the perfect shots for their needs.

A photographer knows how to make use of the lighting. Hiring a professional takes away the stress so that you can crack on with your job. In less than a couple of weeks you will have beautifully crafted images delivered to your inbox, sized and ready for your intended purpose to use straight away.

Using your own staff may cost you more in the long run

Your main concern is using a photographer is the cost. However, if you consider the amount of time a member of staff is away from their main job trying to create the images you need, the cost may well be far less that you think. Because of their experience and knowledge, a professional will dramatically reduce the time spent on trying to figure out the best shot possible, finding the right software for editing and adjusting it for your media – online or in print. Plus, hiring a freelance photographer means you have no annual salary for an in-house photographer and no equipment or training costs.

I always like to keep my costs up front, so that you can price your project and know what to expect. At Capture 24 pricing is simple and available on my website. I am always willing to discuss different options with you to ensure we can capture all you need within whatever budget you have.

There is always the need for consistent imagery in any business, whether you are an entrepreneur or a large commercial business. When you know you will need a few shoots throughout the year to update your photo library, you may find it useful to pre-book them. I offer this option to reduce the day rate, something many of my clients find useful. After all, a business is not stagnant; it’s always evolving and social media is never ending, so your need for relevant imagery is crucial.

Size matters when it comes to quality photography

You may have the newest mobile phone on the market which can take beautiful images. However, remember what I mentioned earlier about light. Not all images are achievable on a mobile phone.

There is another issue with phones. They can only take pictures up to a certain size. A photographer will provide images of such good quality they will be large enough to print on a huge billboard if you need to. There will be no more worrying if you have any images good enough for the campaign you want to run, or to update your website. You will now have a huge library of images perfect for any marketing you require.

Capture 24 is part of your team

When you choose your photographer, you should ideally base your decision on their portfolio – because you like their style and you see it fits your brand. The right photographer will have experience in brand.

They should take the time when first talking to you to understand your brand and your ideal client.

This makes any shoot easier for you in the long run, as the next time you need images they know your company and whatever part of the story you want to capture next. You’ll save time as they will be able to hit the ground running.

I love working with a company on a number of projects as I get to know the business inside and out. Don’t think of me as a freelance photographer, think of me as an extension of your team – one who has years of experience to give you.

If you’re ready to take your visual marketing to the next level give me a call on 07974 340776 or email